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After viewing "Happy" on Netflix, my outlook on how people achieve their happiness is completely different than it was before watching to documentary.  It is a very uplifting film for anyone who chooses to watch, no matter your state of happiness, this movie is literally for anyone.  It is for anyone who thinks they're happy, anyone who's ever been depressed, anyone who thinks they have felt happiness and watched it slip out their fingers, anyone who feels like they have been chasing happiness their whole life, and especially anyone who has given up on happiness or is close to giving up.  The movie uses real life situations and people to help connect with the audience in moving them towards happiness.  It brings a wide view of scientific, empirical, and national research on happiness, and delivers it to the audience in a documentary format to catch the audience's attention and heart because it is so powerful.  The movie teaches us in greater detail about the things we have always been taught will make us happy, like success, money, and beauty.  It explores deeper into the relationship between happiness and exercise, community, connection, cooperation, and compassion.  The film creators did this to show the people watching the countless number of different activities and things you can get into to maybe make yourself more happy.  The movie provides examples that show you what's possible, even in situations that seem impossible.  And shows the audience that it is up to YOU, YOURSELF to be happy in your own situation or not.  The way the film weaves blatant facts with actual human behavior, not by fiction drama, makes the movie that much more moving for the people watching.  It goes into all the little things your parents tell you when you get to the right age about happiness and how you go about being happy, a little deeper with more statistical facts and real life examples.  It's one of those movies, that is so inspiring and convincing, that it makes you feel like you should watch this movie in groups, as friends, as families, as coworkers, and even as whole companies.  It is that powerful as a lesson, and as a quick inspiration.  This movie is for me.  For you.  For everyone.  

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