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There is only one place to be on December 25th of every year.  It is guaranteed to be covered white and is usually around twenty degrees on Christmas Day.  Many species of animals are to be seen right outside the front door, in the very clear but mountainous terrain.  You're favorite animals from moose to bears, all the way to elk and buffalo.  The amount of activities to do here is insane, you will never be bored at this beautiful and enjoyable place.  



I first visited this place when I was 6 years old.  I wasn't old enough to appreciate the natural beauty of all the mountains, but as soon as I arrived in this beautiful state, I knew this was a place for me.  Growing up my favorite animal had always been a Polar Bear.  Thirty minutes after my family and I arrived at our cabin, it was crazy because we saw, no not a polar bear, but a grizzly bear.  As I had never seen a bear in my life before, I was jumping with joy and from then on I knew this place had a special place in my heart.  



I didn't  returned to this place I called paradise for six years.  No matter how many times I begged my parents or asked politely, we never made it back.  Then for my 13th birthday, my parents promised me the best thing ever.  That was a trip to "paradise" over the summer because my birthday was in August.  I was the most excited kid in the whole world when August came and my parents showed me our plane tickets, I never liked planes, but anything to get me to this place was okay with me.  



This time going was a whole different experience.  Not only was the weather and everything completely the opposite of the first time but my sister was able to come with us, she didn't get to come with us last time because of work implications.  The difference in the weather never could've changed my opinion on this place.  I could tell my sister felt the same way as me as soon as we arrived in our cabin, at one of the highest points of the mountain.  It is life changing to be able to spend a week there.   I thought there were a lot of activities to do during Christmas time, but this place in August had a COUNTLESS number of things to do without spending any money or moving more than outside the front door.  Leaving here had always been the hardest thing for me.  My parents had to drag me out of the cabin and to the airport just so I got home.  



Me and My sister talked about this place probably everyday for about 4-5 years straight and my parents made a promise to both of us we could have Christmas there every year until Jordan, my sister went off to college.  Every year was a blast.  Jordan and I looked forward to our Christmas trip every year.  Right after we would leave, we would already be talking about how ready we were to go back.  



My sister graduated college in 2012, after graduating she spent a short amount of time looking for a job in NC wile living at home.  Then one day she sat down our family and informed us she would be moving to what we called paradise for good, and she would be working for a camp out there.  I had never been so excited for someone in my life.  I always knew one day I would want to eventually move and live there for the rest of my life.  But to see that my sister wants the same thing and is actually doing it made me so happy.  I knew that meant I would be able to go out there almost anytime I wanted, and I always knew my sister is happy no matter what because she is getting to live in the place we always called paradise, as a kid.  

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